Bible Fellowship Groups (BFG)
Building the Family of Faith / Sunday / 9 am
Bible Fellowship Groups (BFGs) are dynamic, growing fellowships where relationships are built, specific needs are met, godly leaders are discovered, and God’s Word is taught and applied. These fellowships are to be led by teachers who possess both the desire to utilize their spiritual gifts and a willingness to sharpen their skills. BFG’s serve as a microcosm of the church as a whole, align with the purposes of the church and exist to help meet those purposes. To grow and mature in the Christian Faith gathering with others to study the Bible and serve together is a must, and we have a BFG just for you!  
Call the church office to find out more or be our most welcome guest any Sunday at 9:00 AM.  

Meet the Bellomo Family

The Adult Ministry Leaders here at Hampton Heights

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